Item Code: FXPN-PR04
Item Name: Room Number Sign - 4 Slot - Custom Braille Tactile Sign
Item Dimensions: 7.875"h x 6.25"w
Item Thickness: .185"
Lead Time: 8-10 weeks
Item Description:
- Raised room numbers and Grade 2 Braille comply with the ADA.
- Backplates options include wood grain, stone or nature-inspired designs printed on acrylic material or engraving stock materials in brushed silver, gold or copper.
- Choose from over 52 faceplate colors and twelve graphic colors.
- Four changeable insert slots for easy updating.
- Use a labeling machine or water based marker to create insert messages.
- Includes one blank insert. Additional blank inserts are available in packages of 100.
- Includes foam tape strips on the back of the sign for easy installation.
- Interior use only.