5 Factors To Consider When Using Custom Metal Signs
Point of purchase locations are areas where people congregate to purchase goods or services. Custom metal signs fit in perfectly with these locations since people have available time to read information. If used properly, these signs can improve profitability and overall operations. If used improperly, they can be a waste of money. Learn how to use these signs to achieve success by following the below recommendations.
1. Check positioning
Firms can spend a fortune on designing and perfecting a custom
metal sign, but if the sign is not optimally placed, it will fail. Take a
look at some popular checkout points in a big box retailer, for
instance. Are there signs on the checkout counter that are not facing
the waiting line? The signs may inadvertently be facing the cashiers or
employees. When this happens, it defeats the purpose of the sign.
Take the time to make certain a sign is properly positioned. Check periodically throughout the workday for optimum exposure. Include this task in the employee to do list to assure overall success.
2. Consider height
Many people will quickly lose interest if a sign requires extra
effort to read. Placing the sign at, or near, eye-level will heighten
exposure. Viewers will easily be able to read what message is being
conveyed. Having a sign placed at eye level or an equivalent height will
enhance brand awareness, customer response rate, and potential lead
generation. Point of purchase signs that require customers to bend,
stoop, or look upwards for extended times will decrease the
3. Place near promotional items
Nothing is more effective than a well-positioned point of
purchase sign placed near promotions, special deals, or one-time lead
generators. Big box retailers have optimized this marketing strategy
tool for years. Look at any check register area, for instance.
Successful retailers will optimize this marketing strategy by
surrounding the checkout point with numerous, but well-placed promotions
and signs. A colorful, efficiently sized sign with bold print will draw
attention to the item and can easily bring customers in from other
store departments.
4. Consider the size
Size plays a crucial role in how successful a custom metal sign
is for point of purchase sites. Signs that are too large or too small
can be more of a distraction than benefit to the company. An improper
size can easily cause customer frustration and decreased sales.
Customers may even talk with friends and associates about how a certain
company uses inappropriate sign sizes. This can hinder sales, referrals,
and possibly the firm’s reputation.
5. Be eye-appealing
Nothing sparks customer curiosity more than seeing an appealing
point of purchase sign. It can turn a die-hard browser into a paying
customer at the blink of an eye. Having a company logo, coloring, and
wording all mixed together into one eye-appealing message will add to
the ambiance, customer satisfaction rate, and brand awareness.
Custom metal signs provide a number of options for point of purchase sites. Working with a sign professional who has experience in designing eye-appealing point of purchase signs can be one of the best decisions a retail establishment makes.